In 1963, with time pressing, the Canadian Corporation for the 1967 World Exhibition called a conference of prominent educators, literary figures, and intellectuals at Montebello, Québec, to choose a central theme and evolve a philosophy for Expo 67.

"Saint-Exupéry said it simply: 'To be a man is to be responsible, to feel that by laying one's own stone, one contributes to building the World.'
"At Montebello, each of us made recommendations: where possible, the participating countries should consider the theme philosophy in their plans for national pavilions; the Canadian Corporation for the 1967 World Exhibition should devote its efforts to making the theme the central core in its own pavilions and in all its other projects. This would be its distinct and personal share in the common effort of the seventy-odd countries that would join with us to create Expo 67. The theme pavilions, with consistent emphasis on the idea of human interdependance would then form the hub of the great wheel of men and nations. We also wanted to invite the participating countries to collaborate on the theme itself. At any rate, since this was Man's Earth, belonging to everyone, coming from everyone, intended for everyone, we thought it desirable that contributions to the project should blend, complement one another, forming one complete whole, like the perfectly balanced instruments of an orchestra."

(2) hambourg.com
(3) maisongabrielleroy.mb.ca
(5) image montage by author
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