Yves Jasmin's job was not easy. In it's earliest stages, Expo 67 was not kindly received by the press or the general public. Montreal and Toronto newspapers ridiculed it, predicting that it would cost loads of money, and that it would surely flop... Mr. Jasmin recalls 14-hour days and a minuscule budget to try to convince foreign countries to participate by building pavilions, and to attract the millions of visitors Expo 67 would need to become a success. This was no small feat!

History tells us Expo 67 was an enormous success that came to represent the golden years of Montreal mega-projects. Yves Jasmin received the Order of Canada in 1968 for his contribution to Expo. In 1997, he released La petite histoire d'Expo 67, a book that chronicles how, in his words, Expo rose out of the St. Lawrence river "like Botticelli's Venus". His book, like my blog, serves to keep the legacy of Expo alive in our collective memory. Needless to say, I've read it over and over...

Click here for the web page.

images: (1) Yves Jasmin's personal collection
(2) daryl.chin.gc.ca (3) expo67.ncf.ca
(4-5-6) author's personal collection
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