The international fashion press of the 60's adored his creations, hailing Pucci "The Prince of Prints". Vogue declared that Pucci had “largely invented the look of the woman of the moment—one might almost say he has invented the woman herself.”

In 1964, the now-defunct Braniff Airlines called upon Emilio Pucci to help radically update their corporate look, part of their "End of the Plain Plane" campaign. His answer was a space age collection which consisted of uniforms with interchangeable parts (of coordinating colors) and clear plastic helmets to protect stewardesses hairstyles from airstrip elements!

The "space bubble" was dropped after about a month, however: the helmets cracked easily, there was no place to store them onboard the aircraft, and new jetways at many airports made them unnecessary.
In 1954 and again in 1967, Pucci received the coveted Neiman-Marcus Fashion Award for "distinguished service in the field of fashion." In 1990, the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) honored him with an award for "renaissance of his design and color genius".
Today, the house of Pucci continues to be a status symbol and world renowned label. The timeless signature prints can be seen on everything from clothing, shoes and handbags, to furniture and housewares.

The following video was created for Emilio Pucci's 1990 CFDA award. It features the deee-lovely, deee-groovy Lady Miss Kier of Deee-Lite, with whom I will forever associate psychedelic Pucci-prints...
images: (1-2-3) emiliopucci.com
(4) braniffinternational.org
(5-6) tkd.blog6.fc2.com
(7) amazon.com
(8-9-10) style.com
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